Build a Rube Goldberg machine! Participants will design a series of simple, interconnected actions that work together to complete a final task. The machine starts with a single action that sets off a chain of events, eventually achieving a specific goal.
Throughout the process, participants will reflect, take initiative, and make decisions aligned with the main theme and the objectives they aim to accomplish."
This experience has been conducted with over 200 people in person.
Gotraining entregará todos los materiales necesarios para el montaje y desarrollo de la experiencia.
No technical knowledge is required on the part of the participants.*
Planning (analysis); Design; Designing and executing the plan Enhancing reliability and efficiency through comprehensive evaluation. Executing the plan and evaluating its effectiveness
Objectives vary based on the type of experience selected and the client’s goals.
Real-time strategy design promotes a shared understanding across cultures, roles, and positions.
Barriers to change, communication, and best practices within teams are addressed and overcome.
A deep understanding of processes and their impact across different areas is fostered.
Collaboration and teamwork are enhanced, and effective communication skills are developed.
Creativity and problem-solving are encouraged, while a sense of purpose and responsibility is strengthened.
A safe environment for participants is created, contributing to an improved work atmosphere.
Tailored messaging is crafted to design the experience according to the organization’s unique needs, ensuring that specific topics or aspects relevant to the team’s objectives are addressed.
The experience is built around collaboration, ensuring that all teams work together toward a shared goal. There is no competition; instead, the focus is on recognizing and valuing each team's contribution to the organization's objectives. Every aspect of the experience, including reflections and practical applications, is customized to fit the organization's unique context, challenges, goals, and purpose. The machine combines outdoor/indoor experiences and, depending on the time, integrates with the LEGO® Serious Play® methodology.
Videos; Máquina de Transformación; Máquina de Innovación; Máquina de Procesos; Máquina de Ventas; Máquina del Cambio; Máquina de ventas; Máquina de Teambuilding
We design
Based on the information gathered, we design a tailor-made 100% hands-on or 70% hands-on experience.
We connect
We carry out a diagnosis to identify your needs, expectations and objectives.
We implement
We live the experience together, meeting the proposed objectives and contributing to the change and transformation of the teams.
We accompany
We generate feedback reports, measure results and follow up over time.