"We keep the good times in our pockets, the bad times we keep in our hearts" - Les Brown
Obviously, negative experiences usually affect us more deeply than positive experiences; the former "jam" or "stop" us on an emotional level.
After a failure, we are generally slaves to our mood and feelings; fear, dread, uncertainty and countless thoughts that weaken the heart and spirit.
Losses weaken us, paralyze us, imprison us, discourage us and sometimes they can make us sick; the only way to be successful is by finding a way to overcome these situations.
"If an ocean liner could feel and think, it would never leave its port. It would be afraid of the thousands of huge waves it would have to encounter during its voyages" John C. Maxwell
It is a reality that our life is full of losses, some are big, others small; family losses, economic losses, material losses, sentimental losses, work losses...etc; which affect our mental health; some people manage to handle them well, others do not; We were prepared for success, to be alert to receive a YES as an answer, for a future that was apparently "without problems"; but we were taught little about failure, about "NO", so when it comes into our lives it affects us in a forceful way.
What distinguishes a successful person from one who is not, and who in other aspects is the same as them (same skills), is the ability to emotionally handle failure, which is not easy when a loss weakens us mentally.
"The increase in suicides, alcoholics and even some forms of nervous breakdown is evidence that many people are training for success when they should be training for failure" J. Wallace Hamilton.
Failure is much more common than success, but we need to expect failures, mistakes and losses in our lives since each one of us will face many of them and it is necessary to face them, overcome them and not allow them to accumulate and overcome our emotional state permanently.
When failures accumulate, insecurity appears. When we are insecure, we doubt ourselves and this makes us hesitate when making decisions and trying to move forward. In this way, success becomes impossible.
I want to remind you that you are NOT the only one who has failed. As I mentioned above, failure is more common than it seems. We have all experienced it, or we are experiencing it now or we will experience it in the future. However, the important thing is that in the midst of these situations, you gain courage, bravery and courage to get up and move forward; taking advantage of this opportunity that life gives you to learn.
"The cheapest way to learn is through failure" - Anonymous
Failures will never leave us the same, the amount or severity of your losses are not as important as the impact it may have on you; allowing negative experiences from the past to distort our future is like living while dead; failure may change you, but don't let it control you.
If you are going to lose, and it will surely happen (remember that it is very common) why not turn those losses into gains? Learn from your failures; if you manage to learn something from this situation you will have won; the choice to grow, change and learn is up to you. It is not easy, I know, but the determination and attitude only depend on the person who faces failure; change your way of seeing losses and develop the ability to learn from them.
"Difficulties come at the right time to help you grow and move forward by overcoming them, the only true misfortune, the only real tragedy, comes when we suffer without learning the lesson" - Emmet Fox
Thank you for your attention
Reference: "Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn" John C. Maxwell
Coach, Speaker and Trainer Certified by John Maxwell Team (Sales/Growth/Leadership)
Julian Esteban Jimenez
Obviously, negative experiences usually affect us more deeply than positive experiences; the former "jam" or "stop" us on an emotional level.
After a failure, we are generally slaves to our mood and feelings; fear, dread, uncertainty and countless thoughts that weaken the heart and spirit.
Losses weaken us, paralyze us, imprison us, discourage us and sometimes they can make us sick; the only way to be successful is by finding a way to overcome these situations.
"If an ocean liner could feel and think, it would never leave its port. It would be afraid of the thousands of huge waves it would have to encounter during its voyages" John C. Maxwell
It is a reality that our life is full of losses, some are big, others small; family losses, economic losses, material losses, sentimental losses, work losses...etc; which affect our mental health; some people manage to handle them well, others do not; We were prepared for success, to be alert to receive a YES as an answer, for a future that was apparently "without problems"; but we were taught little about failure, about "NO", so when it comes into our lives it affects us in a forceful way.
What distinguishes a successful person from one who is not, and who in other aspects is the same as them (same skills), is the ability to emotionally handle failure, which is not easy when a loss weakens us mentally.
"The increase in suicides, alcoholics and even some forms of nervous breakdown is evidence that many people are training for success when they should be training for failure" J. Wallace Hamilton.
Failure is much more common than success, but we need to expect failures, mistakes and losses in our lives since each one of us will face many of them and it is necessary to face them, overcome them and not allow them to accumulate and overcome our emotional state permanently.
When failures accumulate, insecurity appears. When we are insecure, we doubt ourselves and this makes us hesitate when making decisions and trying to move forward. In this way, success becomes impossible.
I want to remind you that you are NOT the only one who has failed. As I mentioned above, failure is more common than it seems. We have all experienced it, or we are experiencing it now or we will experience it in the future. However, the important thing is that in the midst of these situations, you gain courage, bravery and courage to get up and move forward; taking advantage of this opportunity that life gives you to learn.
"The cheapest way to learn is through failure" - Anonymous
Failures will never leave us the same, the amount or severity of your losses are not as important as the impact it may have on you; allowing negative experiences from the past to distort our future is like living while dead; failure may change you, but don't let it control you.
If you are going to lose, and it will surely happen (remember that it is very common) why not turn those losses into gains? Learn from your failures; if you manage to learn something from this situation you will have won; the choice to grow, change and learn is up to you. It is not easy, I know, but the determination and attitude only depend on the person who faces failure; change your way of seeing losses and develop the ability to learn from them.
"Difficulties come at the right time to help you grow and move forward by overcoming them, the only true misfortune, the only real tragedy, comes when we suffer without learning the lesson" - Emmet Fox
Thank you for your attention
Reference: "Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn" John C. Maxwell
Coach, Speaker and Trainer Certified by John Maxwell Team (Sales/Growth/Leadership)
Julian Esteban Jimenez