3 things I learned from the Rubik's Cube.

Probably many of you have solved the Rubik's Cube at some point, you will probably read this and you will be one of those who has solved it many times, maybe you are not the one with the world record but you have your own personal record; or maybe, like me, you are one of the people who have had little contact with this 3D puzzle...

I want to share with you 3 lessons that I have learned (and continue to learn) from the Rubik's Cube, which apply to our personal, family, work life and even to our projects within the teams:

  1. I have thoughts that limit me

"That's too hard", "That's for geniuses", "I'm not good at that", "I'm no good at that"... etc. Constants that were running through my head once I discovered the Rubik's cube and even after seeing how Will Smith in "The Pursuit of Happyness" put it together quickly (yes, I know, movies can handle anything). The thoughts that limit us stop us and that was precisely what happened to me, sometimes we don't decide to act because of limiting thoughts, things that haven't even happened, we have tried or tested, but in our brain there is a giant notice that says "YOU CAN'T".

2. When I'm afraid I procrastinate

Oh yes! For years I dreamed of the cube, of putting it together, but I didn't even dare to buy it. Why? It's so difficult and I'm not a genius... "If I buy it, I'll lose the money." In a way, it was "fear" which led me to procrastinate (putting something off to do later). They say: "He who works the land always has food to spare, but he who daydreams is a great fool" and it's because fear and procrastination are a factory of dreams, yes, only dreams... without fulfilling them.

3. I can surpass myself!

In any situation where there is limiting thinking, fear and procrastination, the following approaches exist that can help us overcome ourselves:

The NO is already won, what if they say YES? If we think that they are going to say NO to something or that we can't do something, what do we have to lose if that NO is already won? If we take risks, we will often find a YES where we expected a NO, that is, if they are going to say NO and you believe it, it's okay if you receive it, but maybe you will win a YES when you take the risk.

...A couple of years ago I bought the cube and I decided to put it together!

What is the worst that could happen? Whenever there is fear in any situation (except jumping out of a window, jumping into a car or similar) this question helps us see fear from a position of authority and in that way the risk and fear are reduced.

...What´s the worst that can happen if I buy a Rubik's cube and I can't solve it? Well I lose some money, but at least I tried. I don´t think it's that serious. Evaluate your risks - sometimes, "the worst that can happen isn't that serious.

What if...? Instead of dwelling on negative possibilities like "What if it doesn't work?", "What if I can't do it?", "What if I fail?", or "What if I lose?", consider a third, more positive approach: "What if it works?", "What if I succeed?"... etc..

He who never tries fails!

  • I learned that the Rubik's cube is not exclusive to geniuses (maybe it's easier for them)
  • I learned that it was okay if I couldn't get it together ("If you judge a fish by its ability to climb trees, it will always think it's useless" Albert E.)
  • I learned that there are always better options, there are different types of cubes that make building easier. Greater benefit, greater cost, the decision is ours and sometimes high risks require high investments (money, time...etc). Well, in this case there is no risk with the cube...
  • I learned that there are n-thousands of text (web) and video (youtube) tutorials that teach you step by step how to put it together (they are logical sequences that you have to memorize). There is always a way to do things, there is always someone who has already walked the path and who can help us in any situation.
  • I learned that genius is tied to practice. Once I learned how to put it together I just had to practice, practice, practice and practice!

I have been practicing putting together the cube for months, I have done it several times, I have not yet broken a world record (I think I am light years away) but it reminds me that when I overcome my thoughts and fears I can not only put together a cube but face any situation!

If you have ever thought that the Rubik's Cube is not for you, I encourage you to buy one and get to know its "thousand faces" and challenge yourself to break your own paradigms! It may be simple or silly to think that a Rubik's Cube can help you face other things, but believe me, in the simple things you will find the greatest learnings!

You can go one step further!

Together with your team, buy Rubik's Cubes for each one. Create a space where each person puts it together (find a good tutorial), then create a space for reflection and learning with your team!

Thanks for getting this far!

Julian Esteban Jimenez
