10 Things You Probably Don't Know About Mining

Dedicated to all those miners who risk their lives daily to contribute to our comfort...

1. Mining is an economic activity that is responsible for the exploitation or extraction of minerals that have accumulated in the soil and subsoil in the form of deposits. These minerals or precious metals are: Copper, Gold, Silver, Aluminum, Emeralds, Lead, Nickel; clay, quartz, sapphire, granite, marble, mica; sand, salt, sulfur, quartz and coal among others.

2. Mining exists because we all use products that require minerals in their production, either as raw materials or for the generation of energy that allows its manufacture. Coal supplies 25% of the primary energy consumed in the world, second only to oil. It is also one of the first sources of electrical energy, with 40% of world production.

4. Coal mining benefits from the El Niño phenomenon; this happens because when the level of the reservoirs drops, thermoelectric plants come into operation; These, through the combustion of pulverized coal, produce electricity for the entire country. Although electric energy brings a benefit to humans, the environment is affected by the Carbon Dioxide Generated.

5. Mining is present in our homes and jobs: Paint, concrete and steel foundations, bathrooms, kitchens, floors, windows and glass contain many minerals; copper and steel cables and pipes carry basic water, electricity and gas services. When we use soap, shampoo, creams; plastic, pans, pots, plates, cups, glasses and cutlery we are using minerals extracted thanks to mining. A world without mining would mean waking up every morning without a floor, without a bed, without a roof, without clothes and without any of the elements that we use in our daily lives. Thanks to mining we live in a world with technology, communications, cell phones, internet, airplanes, cars, trains, buildings, military systems, medical systems…etc.

6. Mining transports us. Asphalt or concrete roads and paths are only possible because mining companies extract the minerals used to make these surfaces; the means of transport we use (bicycle, motorcycle, bus, Transmilenio, car, etc.) are made with different minerals that are extracted from nature.

7. Mining is the human activity that most harms the environment, generating high levels of pollution and threatening natural resources. However, without mining, modern life could not function and the global economy would be seriously affected. For this reason, we speak of “Responsible Mining” and/or “Legal Mining” which seeks to raise awareness among small and large mining companies so that the development of mineral exploration, extraction and production activities are sustainable for the environment, workers and surrounding communities. The National Mining Agency is responsible for regulating, monitoring and controlling mining activity in the country.

8. Illegal mining is the activity dedicated to extracting minerals without having authorization from Colombian state entities. It threatens the ecosystem and communities; there is no formality in the hiring of personnel or in their safety inside and outside the mines, exposing them to dangers that often claim lives.

9. As the vast majority of mines are not technologically advanced, a high percentage of the things we deal with on a daily basis are derived from the hard work of miners who spend hours underground; getting to the extraction site can take an hour on foot (as well as returning to the surface) so they prefer to stay down the whole shift (6 to 8 hours), even at lunchtime and when doing their business. Inside the mine, the miners are supported only by the light of a flashlight on their helmets; in the middle of a confined environment, with little ventilation; exposed to rodents, floods, toxic gases and landslides.

10. To remove the mineral from the rock, some miners work manually with picks, while others do it with pneumatic hammers; however, they are constantly exposed to danger, illness and deterioration of their health due to the use of these tools. In the case of coal mining, the salary of a miner ranges between five thousand (COP $ 5000) and seven thousand (COP $ 7000) pesos per ton extracted.

Thank you for your attention

Julian Jimenez

Mechanical Engineer National University of Colombia.

Coach, Speaker and Trainer Certified by John Maxwell Team (Sales / Growth / Leadership)

Founding member of the John C. Maxwell Spanish Program

Trainer Certified in LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY ® - Facilitator and Designer of Workshops with the LSP method.

Executive Coach ADEN International Business School module I - Management Skills SGS - Comprehensive Internal Auditor ISO9001, 14001, OHSAS 18001

Diploma in Sales Management University of la Sabana

Diploma in Marketing Management Polytechnic of Colombia

ourteen (14) years of technical, engineering, commercial and managerial professional experience, advising different companies and industries in Colombia in the development of projects with a high impact on production, planning and control of industrial processes; performing energy optimization of generation, treatment and distribution systems of services (Gas, Water, Energy, Air, Fuel); which has allowed him to design, direct and execute engineering projects related to audits in industrial systems, energy savings, transportation of services, gas generation, oil skids, technology, communications, maintenance among others.

The experience as a Seller, Commercial Director and Manager of Mining and Petroleum has added value to the certifications in leadership, strategy and sales.

Julian Esteban Jimenez

2024-09-10 19:28